Legal and Corporate Solutions
Through a combination of an in-house legal team and strong partnerships with fully licensed top-tier legal experts we can offer our customers the following corporate services at very attractive rates.
Discover the Our Legal and Corporate Services in Malta, Cyprus and UAE with Attractive Rates
Our team provides our customers with the best possible experience. With a combination of an in-house legal team and strong partnerships with fully licensed top-tier legal experts, we can offer a wide range of services that provide maritime related corporate solutions.
Company Incorporation and Maintenance
Get your company up and running with ease. We handle the entire process of company incorporation and maintenance, ensuring that your business is compliant with all legal requirements.
Corporate Structuring
Ensure that your company is structured in a way that is best for your business or Tax requirements. Our team and partners will help you choose the right structure and make sure that everything is set up correctly.
Tax Advice
Navigate the complex world of tax and VAT. Our team and partners will provide you with the best advice and ensure that you are paying the right amount of tax.
Residency, Visa, and Citizenship Programmes
Choose Malta or Cyprus as your home base. Our legal team will help you with the process of obtaining residency, a visa, or even citizenship in these countries.
Yacht & Ship Registration
Register your vessel in Malta and enjoy the benefits that come with it. We will guide you through the process while advising of the necessary regulations and requirements.
Company Accounting, Auditing, Book-keeping, and Payroll Services
We provide a comprehensive range of accounting, auditing, book-keeping, and payroll services to yacht and ship operators to help you keep your finances in order and run your vessel efficently.
Legal Representation
Protect your interests with our legal representation. Our Legal team will ensure that your rights are protected and that you are fully represented in any legal matter, in particular we have great experience in Maritime and Fintech but our extensive network makes us a great ally and formidable opponent in any sector .
Representation During Crew / Employer Disputes
Navigate crew / employer disputes with confidence. Our legal team will provide you with the best representation and make sure that your rights are protected.
Representation During Creditor, Vessel Disputes
Our legal Team are well placed to help you to recover owed money from a vessel. In these disputes there is an array of “tools in the toolbox” so we can advise from and experienced perspective the best way to proceed.
Facilitation of Acceptance of Crypto Payments for Brokers, Shipyards, Marinas, and Other Maritime Services
Embrace the future of payments. Our world class Crypto team will help your maritime business accept crypto payments. We have solutions for many businesses in the maritime sector:
Management Companies
Our head of Legal is the renowned Fintech and Crypto Laywer Dr. Justine Scerri Herrera, we are very well placed facilitate crypto payments in the maritime sector, in fact we are changing the face of the maritime sector by helping other business accept payment in new ways.